Thursday, April 30, 2020

Spark Plug Holes Time-Serts (2)

2 hours

I've read that spark plugs will eventually tear up the threads on the cylinder heads, so putting Time-Serts in the holes is a common fix/upgrade.  Might as well just preemptively do it now!

I had never done a Time-Sert before, but it's pretty simple.  You drill out the original threads, put a small counterbore on the hole, tap it with bigger threads, and then install the threaded insert.  The kit comes with a specific tool for each step.

I did a test on a chunk of scrap before I tore into my nice brand new heads.

The hardest part of this was drilling out the original threads.  The drill bit is pretty big, too big for and of my handheld drills, but it has a square drive on the end of it like a tap.  You can drive it with a socket, which is what I did, but I don't really recommend that in retrospect.  It was kind of hard to control.  Just get or borrow a larger drill!

The other challenge is making sure you get the tap started nice and straight.  The tap in the kit has very little taper on it, so it's fairly easy to get it started crooked.  Each spark plug hole is on an angle, so that doesn't help.

Anyway, I just took my time and eventually got all 8 holes done.  I also got a couple work meetings done while I was at it.

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